Dog Mob Cat Crew!

one-health education in remote communities 

Explore our library of education resources, designed for remote Indigenous communities, freely available for download

See the different education programs we run in communities Australia-wide and see how you could bring one-health education into your community.

Get your Dog Mob Cat Crew gear right here! Designed by remote community students and First Nations artist. Each purchase directly goes back into funding our one-health education programs.

  • Categories

Empathy Animation: You Feel, They Feel, We Feel

“You Feel, They Feel, We Feel” teaches and demonstrates empathy towards animals for young children through the showing of a sweet and simple story about a boy and his dog. Companion animals play a significant role in the social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of...

Zoonosis Fact Sheets (Macquarie University Resources)

Despite the many benefits of pet ownership, any time people and animals share the same environment, there is the potential for diseases to spread. Diseases that can make both people and animals sick are known as zoonotic diseases. These diseases can have a major...

Echinococcosis – Zoonosis Fact Sheet

Echinococcosis or hydatid disease is a disease caused by a parasitic tapeworm known as Echinococcus granulosus. People usually get sick by accidentally swallowing dog poo that contains eggs from the tapeworm.  Echinococcus is a zoonotic disease, which means that it...

Dermatophytosis – Zoonosis Fact Sheet

Dermatophytosis or ringworm is a common infection caused by a fungus. The disease is called “ringworm” because it can cause circular rashes that are shaped like a ring. People usually get sick by coming into contact with other people or animals that have the infection...