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Results for "one health"

Chapter 17

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Pounds in communitiesChapter Contents Pounds in communitiesStarting a poundRunning a poundPros and...

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Become a Member

Become a MemberBecome a MemberJoining AMRRICWhen you join AMRRIC you become part of a committed group of people...

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Chapter 15

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Dog bites, the law and the EHPThis page is currently under construction. Chapter Contents What the...

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Chapter 14

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Animal control by-lawsChapter Contents Animal control by-laws What are animal control by-laws about?...

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Chapter 9

CHAPTER NINE Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) and exotic diseasesChapter Contents What are exotic...

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Chapter 16

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Animal WelfareChapter Contents What is animal welfare?Animal Welfare LawsAnimal welfare problems that...

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Chapter 13

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Putting animals down: euthanasiaChapter Contents What is EuthanasiaReasons for euthanasing...

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