Our Approach

From the very beginning, AMRRIC’s unique approach to its work has been founded on a deep respect for the cultures and traditional ways of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We promote a model of service delivery, developed over years of dialogue and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, that recognises companion animals as being intrinsic to the fabric of the community and acknowledges the inseparable link between the health and wellbeing of companion animals and that of their owners and their communities.

Our Approach

From the very beginning, AMRRIC’s unique approach to its work has been founded on a deep respect for the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We promote a model of service delivery, developed over years of dialogue and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, that recognises companion animals as being intrinsic to the fabric of the community and acknowledges the inseparable link between the health and wellbeing of companion animals and that of their owners and their communities.

Our Vision

Our Purpose

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that are healthy and safe for people and their companion animals.

To collaborate with rural and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to improve the health and wellbeing of their companion animals and the health, wellbeing and safety of communities.

Core Values


  • For the communities with whom we work, our supporters and our colleagues
  • For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and traditional knowledge
  • For the diversity and individuality of all people
  • For the environment in which we work


  •  We work to clearly articulated objectives and goals in a transparent manner
  • We seek to achieve the best use of resources


  • We are honest, open and transparent.
  • We avoid real, or apparent conflicts of interest.

Outcomes Focus

  •  All our decisions are framed around the question “How will this help the communities with whom we work?”


  • We work collaboratively with communities
  • We integrate our programs and work with others

Our Focus

Facilitation and access to Veterinary Services

Many remote communities still have no access to veterinary services. Those lucky enough to have a vet service will receive services one to three times a year. The primary objective of these services is to stabilise companion animal populations by increasing the desexed rate and reduce overpopulation occurrences.

Advocacy and Promotion

AMRRIC is an organisation focused on supporting animal management in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia. Therefore we are in a unique position to advocate for stable and healthy companion animal populations. Of course, we also strongly support long-term sustainability and capacity building in rural and remote communities.

Strategic Planning and Support

AMRRIC works with various stakeholders responsible for animal management in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We provide strategic support, expert advice, and recommendations to deliver holistic animal management programs that maximise sustained outcomes.
Capturing baseline data is crucial to determining priorities across communities and regions. This data is then used to develop animal management plans and monitor progress.
AMRRIC has developed an App, which has multiple user-interface settings. This allows community involvement in data capture through to vet service providers. The app can collect more detailed treatment data on individual animals.

Self-determining Communities – Building local knowledge and capacity

AMRRIC recognises that access to vet services is one part of a broader animal management program. The key to improving animal management outcomes lies in the education and empowerment of local community members.
Community Education Programs aim to achieve sustainable animal management practices at community and household level. Community education programs are vital to supporting our veterinary programs. They build awareness, understanding, and engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members.

Strategic Goals

AMRRIC’s Strategic Plan supports the organisation’s vision of safe, happy and healthy animals in communities and will achieve this when:

Individual companion animals are healthy.

Animal populations are in control.

Communities and owners are safe and well educated in animal care and empowered for self-determining good animal management.

You can read more about how AMRRIC’s strategic direction is working to achieve this in our Strategic Plan