Exciting New Animation adds to Animal Education in Remote Communities

A illustrated white mother cow with her white baby cow suckling on her. They are standing in a green field, with a tree and yellow long grass.

AMRRIC are very excited to announce the launch of Roper Gulf Regional Council’s new animation – Baby Animals Belong in the Bush.  

A illustrated white mother cow with her white baby cow suckling on her. They are standing in a green field, with a tree and yellow long grass.

Still shot from animation – Baby Animals Belong in the Bush

This animation, produced by Roper Gulf Regional Council and developed in close collaboration with AMRRIC’s education team, highlights the need for baby animals to remain in the wild with their families to reduce potential health and safety risks to people and communities.   

A family friendly animation, this story emphasizes the benefits and need of leaving baby animals with their mothers in the bush. Animals such as bullocky, horses, pigs, and camels can often cause serious problems when living in communities in terms of animal, community, and environmental health.  

Developing this enjoyable, relevant, and meaningful animation means an important and effective education resource is now available for easy and wide use throughout many remote communities. The first available translated version of the animation into Kriol also means this message becomes even more accessible to remote audiences. See both versions here.  

 AMRRIC would like to thank Roper Gulf Regional Council for their inclusion of AMRRIC in the writing and development process and would like to acknowledge the Northern Territory Animal Welfare Grant Program for the funding to facilitate the creation of this animation.  

 Collaboration is the key to one health in remote communities and AMRRIC looks forward to working with Roper Gulf Regional Council again in the future to support one health education initiatives for the region.