AMRRIC continues STEM education in remote communities for Science Week 2022!

AMRRIC were very excited to be able to participate in Australia’s national Science Week again for 2022!

We were able to visit the community of Nauiyu in the Northern Territory again, building our relationship with the school and providing ongoing science-focused animal education to students.  

National Science Week is held every year in Australia by national organisation Inspired Australia, to help promote science and its value to the Australian public across all regions and areas. AMRRIC participated in Science Week last year with great success and were so happy to run another education program this year for Science Week, showcasing the value of science in remote communities in maintaining community health and wellbeing for people, animals, and the environment.   

This year’s theme was ‘Glass’, so students learnt about the value of glass in veterinary medicine in the detection and diagnosis of zoonotic and non-zoonotic diseases and parasites, as well as its use in medication storage. Focusing specially on glass use in slides, microscope, and medicine storage, students looked at ticks, worms, eggs, and fungus under the microscope and learnt about the integral role glass has played in the management of both human and animal health.

The love, safety, companionship, and cultural value that companion animals bring to people in communities is very significant. In areas that are regularly underserved and often experience many barriers to sufficient veterinary and animal management services, companion animals are a great source of comfort, support, and mental stability. When these animals suffer, the people suffer too. AMRRIC is a community health, charitable organisation. We recognize that there is an inextricable link between animals and humans. AMRRIC delivers animal-education services to remote communities to improve animal health outcomes, which in turn helps to improve overall community wellbeing.  

Engaging youth in communities with education around companion animal health and management allows residents to be able to make informed decisions on the health of their pet, themselves, and their community and is an integral part of AMRRIC holistic approach to overall companion animal management in remote communities. AMRRIC were thrilled to be able to provide an education program through this Science Week initiative for 2022. Special thanks goes to Inspired NT and the school involved for making this program possible.