Code of Behaviour for AMRRIC Members


Association members of AMRRIC should adhere to and be committed to a code of behaviour and ethical conduct in all areas of its responsibilities and authority.


Association members will agree to:

  1. Not make public comment, or take any action on behalf of AMRRIC without the consent of the Board, including interfering in the day to day operations of AMRRIC
  2. Not act or speak in a manner detrimental to the promotion of the objectives of the Association, nor act or speak in a manner that denigrates, harms or brings into disrepute the Association, the Board or the Executive Officer.
  3. Act honestly and in good faith at all times.
  4. Declare all interests that could result in a conflict between personal and organisational priorities.
  5. Ensure scrupulous avoidance of deception, unethical practice or any other behaviour that is, or might be construed as, less than honourable in the pursuit of AMRRIC’s business.
  6. Not disclose to any other person confidential information about AMRRIC other than as agreed by the Board or as required under law.
  7. Observe all the rules of AMRRIC including those specified in the constitution, the Association Incorporation Act 19987 and any other rules set by the Board or the membership of AMRRIC.
  8. Not act on organisation matters without the consent of the Board, including not interfering in the day to day operations of AMRRIC.
  9. Follow any grievance procedures set down by the Board to resolve any conflicts with staff or members of AMRRIC.
  10. Not abuse, physically or verbally, staff or members of AMRRIC.

If an association member of AMRRIC fails to abide by the above code of conduct he/she may be liable to expulsion from AMRRIC membership privileges. Members expelled from AMRRIC have the right to set out their grievance to AMRRIC Board. Grievance Policies and Procedures are available on request from the Executive Officer of AMRRIC.