AMRRIC Visits Canberra

Recently AMRRIC’s CEO Brooke Rankmore and Program Manager Strategic Delivery Bonny Cumming travelled to Canberra during parliamentary sittings in order to  raise awareness of Ehrlichiosis and to advocate for the work that AMRRIC does in rural and remote Indigenous communities.
Luke Gosling MP generously hosted and supported the team during their stay- thank you so much to Luke and his team for their generosity and assistance.

Thank you also to all of the politicians and public servants who met with team AMRRIC over the past week, including:

Warren Snowdon
Julie Collins
Patrick Dodson
Mark Butler
Jason Clare
Dr Mike Freelander
David Littleproud
Bridget McKenzie
Bob Katter
Barnaby Joyce
AMRRIC looks forward to continuing the important conversations that were started!